I found the following and thought it might be useful or at least promote further discussion.
LT (Low Tone) bound is an audio setting. LT bound has no affect on the target's VDI. This setting applies to the sound border of iron and the non ferrous zones. Everything to the left of the LT Bound setting will be sounded as iron, everything to the right will be sounded as non ferrous metal. For instance, when the LT bound is set on -20 all the signals from -20 to +90 will sound as non ferrous and all the signals from -90 to -20 will sound as iron. Passing over tiny gold objects that produces a VDI of -9, will be sounded as a non ferrous object with LT bound set on -20. As we know, low conductors, especially tiny low conductors, could hide in the iron zone and this setting helps us by identifying them with a non ferrous sound.