I decided to give the At pro a break today and took the Ace350 out to a park to do some clad hunting. I was hunting along a baseball field.In coin mode with to bars of sens notched out I hit on a target that I was sure was a penny at 4 inches I dug a small hole (three sided plug) and sure enough it was a copper penny. normally when I rescan a hole I wait til I fill it in first ( don't know why I do it this way more than once I have had to remove the plug again for another target in the same hole) when I scanned this one sure enough I got a coin reading again,so I popped the plug back and put the propointer in the hole and nothing. I ran it over the bottom side of the plug and nothing. So I ran the detector over the hole and the plug,nothing. okay I was wrong no more targets in the hole. so I put the plug back in the hole and packed her down a bit and made it as neat as I could. I stood up and for the heck of it ran the detector over it again.Got a good solid belltone and it was reading under the dime,quarter. I swung the coil faster still a good solid hit. I walked all the way around the spot scanning as I went. Didn't loose the signal for even a second. so I knelt down and popped the plug again and ran the detector over the hole,nothing
so I scanned the plug,nothing. I don't normally cut the plug completely from the hole but this was getting crazy. I cut the plug loose and set it two feet from the hole and scanned it.Nothing I rolled it over and scanned it. Nothing.Just for the H of it I scanned the hole and all around the hole. Nothing. I figured this was just going to be a mystery, I put the plug back in the hole and made it nice and neat and walked away. but after I got about ten feet I turned around and went back and scanned the spot again
son of a gun if I didn't get that good bell tone again under dime quarter. stood there a minute wanting to walk away but I couldn't do it. So I bent down and popped the plug out once again. I set it a few feet away and scanned the hole,the plug and the area around the hole.Nothing. so I took my propointer and checked the hole very carefully. Nothing there. I grabbed the plug and started checking it thoroughly. and I got a hit. it was just below the grass on top of the plug. It was a two inch piece of the aluminum wire that is used to put the fence up around a ball field. I find this crap all the time around ball fields. with my ace250 I could usually tell when I would hit on a piece of that stuff. So my question is,why would my 350 not hit on this till I put the plug back in the hole? Thought I was loosing my mind
sorry to go on so long. Oh the aluminum wire was bent in half.