This was the first time that I didn't take the Aqua on a trip. It had some problems due to my crappy soldering of a replacement pot. In that some of the locals run pulses, I need the punch of the Dual Field to compete. some of the locals also use Excals in A/M mode Sens at "8" --quite a deep way to operate. I like having a machine with more Sensitivity (in this case Gain) than can be run. This allows me to "turn it up" where possible, rather than just working with the Aqua's Delay and SAT speeds. The TDI is the most powerful machine that I've used but it doesn't go in the water. I've tried dry bagging it (mounted between the shoulder blades) and it was very smooth and deep--great on the low conductors at 10 uSc. But a land machine is land machine. OBN also made me up a Blue Tubes WOT that performed well (great coverage, depth and audio) but had some battery problems later on that were the result of an aftermarket cell I bought on ebay. Not before it got a 13.7 PLAT band though.
It basically took everything I had not to be "eaten alive" by the locals--who get in everywhere on an almost daily basis. Some run "tote 'n floats" and others are former spear fishermen and conch divers---enough said. There are certainly a few other machines that I would like to try, but for somethigng that I'm familiar with and can use effectively in the areas with interference (hills, steep sidewall slopes) that casues them to miss targets, the DF's fidelity works well for me.
It basically took everything I had not to be "eaten alive" by the locals--who get in everywhere on an almost daily basis. Some run "tote 'n floats" and others are former spear fishermen and conch divers---enough said. There are certainly a few other machines that I would like to try, but for somethigng that I'm familiar with and can use effectively in the areas with interference (hills, steep sidewall slopes) that casues them to miss targets, the DF's fidelity works well for me.