As we learn, some of the 'Big Names' in the battery business can be manufactured in different places, to include different countries, and often we can see some differences in performance, even from the same brand name.
We also know that some 'other' batteries are made by a name-brand manufacturer yet can provide comparable performance, be cost a lot less. I am always on the watch for a 'Sale Price' on alkaline batteries just to give them a try. Some have worked out quite well and provided very decent 'run-time' in my detectors, where as some just don't last very long. I us AA in most of my detectors, currently having 8 under my roof, currently, that use AA alkaline batteries. I also have a lot of flashlight in my house, in each room of my house, plus extras in the den, some new flashlights in my battery tote, and I have flashlights in an emergency tote, in my vehicle, and ??? Anyway, I have a lot of flashlights and most of them use AA alkaline batteries.
Then there are other things we have around the house that make use of an AA battery such as a wall clock, remote controls, blood pressure monitors, radios, FRS radios, and more. So, I make sure I have ample batteries on-hand, and when a store as a 30-Pack, 40-Pack or 48-Pack of AA alkaline batteries On Sale for $5.00, I snap it up. Cheap enough to give them a try, and handy to have a pack when I travel, too. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have been on a Welcome-to-Hunt Outing or a club outing or Competition Hunt or just out with some folks having fun and somebody needs batteries. They forgot them, their detector died, etc.
Prices change in different areas or we might have a source not found elsewhere around the country.
Mark, I'll be digging into my Accessory Tote with Batteries and Flashlights and such to package up 4-each of each brand of AA battery I'm going to mail off to you. I hope to get them in the mail today or tomorrow, Tuesday, testing 4 each of a brand will give us an average time that should be helpful. Individual run-times of each battery, then an 'average' of 4 batteries ought to be of interest to a lot of folks.
I'll include information with each brand I send you to test that shows their 'Use-By' date and also how much the batteries cost me.
I used to make it to Costco to buy their house brand of Kirkland AA alkaline and remember when they were $10.?? for a 48 pack, but prices rose over the years. the last ones I bought we about $12.?? for a 48 pack. I will be sending you 4 batteries from Tractor Supply that cost me $6.00 for a 48 pack. That's just 12½¢ for 1 AA, letting me fill my Nokta / Makro Core or Relic or Racer 2 for 50¢ for 4 batteries, my White's IDX Pro's 8 AA pack costs me $1.00 to fill, and my 2-AA Fisher F-44 only costs 25¢ to go out and have some fun.

At that price I bought a LOT of batteries and, so far, detectors and flashlights have been working OK. Possibly a little shorter run-time' than some high-dollar 'Bunny Brand', but a lot of detecting and finding my way around in the dark at an affordable price.
I'll also open up a new pack of 60 AA's I bought at Albertson's grocery store for $10.97. I'll try to find out who makes those for Albertsons, but at that price, each AA cost me only 18¼¢ each. That would up my cost to fill those detectors to: 36½¢ for the F44, 73¢ for the Core, Relic or racer 2, and $1.46 for my modified IDX Pro.
I'll post what battery brands I send you way with my coast and info, probably later this afternoon.
Money Miser Monte