The wood handle through bolts through the receiver behind the scoop. Receiver = the rectangular hole the handle fits in. As to the three holes in the upper front edge of the scoop I don't know. Maybe they fit into a jig used while welding or fabrication? I have the smaller one with the small square holes and it is a great scoop. I used it for 2 hours Saturday, and used my other favorite scoop for 2 hours. As far as chasing around small stuff it is the scoop to have. I now leave my floating sifter at home much of the time.
My only gripe with the scope is the small push panel behind the handle receiver. I had to build new muscles to control the scope, but all is well now.
Best Regards,
My only gripe with the scope is the small push panel behind the handle receiver. I had to build new muscles to control the scope, but all is well now.
Best Regards,