i've never heard about the wall and it sounds interesting.rockwall county is either the smallest or second smallest county in the state,it stsrted really growing population wise about 20 years ago because of dallas' suburbs pushing out.the built lake ray hubbard in the late 60's and the started building around it,not many stumps on the south end and the have sailboats.
i hadn't heard the story about the wall,considering hard rock doesn't hardly exist around there,i don't even thing there are any gravel benches in the area.mostly shale type rock fred,we call it white rock here.i know the use to haul gravel from bridgeport northwest of ft.worth to the dallas area for construction needs.you've got my curiosity up,i'll have to investigate
well,fred i looked and they say there is a subterranean rock formation that people have looked at for years,some thought prehistoric man may have built it but geologists believe its part of something thats associated with your area,"balcones fault".i'm glad you mentioned it,i never had heard about it.you know you go through places never thinking about why places got their names,now i know on this one.if i get over that way anytime soon i'm going to ask some locals about it.
they have a small courthouse and square there,if i remember right rockwall use to be known for crooked county officials who because it was small had to be dynamited out