Like I said in another post, if I were to upgrade, it would be the AT Pro over the
350. I think it's going to be a bang up machine as long as no design glitches, etc..
But knowing their overall quality and track record, I predict it's going to be a winner,
and a big seller for the mid range market.
I'm sure the 350 is going to be a great machine too, but like I said in another post,
I don't see the likely improvement over the 250 as being worth $300 to upgrade.
I'd be much more likely to just buy the DD coil to slap on the 250, and save the
extra $$$.
But... I'm not planning on upgrading any time in the near future.. Lots of other
irons in the fire, and with the economy being the pits, my income was down this
summer, compared to the last two years.. So less "toy" money..
They say the recession ended last year.. Har... I think it was worse this summer
than any of the time since the recession started.. At least for me anyway.
The last two years previous I actually did fine, even during the supposed peak of
the recession. But I didn't sell near as much new equipment this year. I had a few
that didn't replace toasted units because they flat didn't have the money to spend.
They just went without.
I still need to buy all the rest of the parts to build my home brew Sony Trail camera
fer instance.. I'd like to get it done before the end of October when I plan to go up
to Oklahoma for a while. That's the peak of the color season and my favorite time
to hang out there. Lots of deer and other critters running around, and I'd like to
have that cam going. It's gonna smoke the cheap trail cam I have now as far as
picture and video quality.
I also want to take some good color shots with my hand held camera, which is better
than what I've used in past years. I'll be using a Sony W-290 for both hand held and
the trail cam.. I have two of those identical.. Years past I only had VGA quality stills off
the old SD video cam.. The W290 is 12 MP with a Zeiss lens, and 720p HD video.
But I had to put it off a bit, cuz I had to buy a new set of tires for my car the other
day.. Tires are just going through the roof, even for the fairly small tires my Corolla
uses... But I did get a pretty good deal on those. I'm afraid to guess what the price
will be the next time I have to get new tires for my 3/4 ton truck..

It never ends.. So many toys, so little toy $$$ these days it seems..

One of the hazards of working for yourself, and having a fluctuating income..

I guess the only plus is I can't fire myself, or lay myself off..

My brother lives up in Tulsa and manages pipeline construction jobs. He just got
laid off, due to no current pipeline jobs.. So it's hit him worse this year too.
And he's got a lot more bills to pay than I do.. He'll be in deep doo-doo if he
can't find something else. Oh well.. enough depressing economy talk.
Anyway. someday I'll probably upgrade, and it could well be an AT Pro.
I like what I see so far.