Bill Ladd said:But, sometimes you forget and I'm sure some of these nasty archies have filed away some of the pictures of cellar holes I have posted over the years figuring I have been "Looting" & "pillaging" protected state forests. I made sure my DVD said "Private property" on the box....especially after my short videos are being constantly attacked on Youtube by archies & archie-types (see some of the rude comments they have left). It almost drove me to rip down all my videos. But, since all my sites are Private property with permission I'm not going to be intimidated.......
I agree 100% too on the "sharing sites" part as well. After you get burned several times, and a "guest" you took to a site decides to return without even asking (& then to top it off brings friends!). This all should be part of "the treasure hunters code of ethics" in every magazine & manual. There are guys in one of the local clubs who badmouth me & call me rude because I have resisted their offers of "lets go hunting". Sorry, but too many times this has really meant, "take me to one of your spots because I'm too lazy to research, hike, or scared to ask strangers permission". If I just met you, how do I know I can trust you will never return without me? This has soured me on "clubs" and what they are about, and I wouldn't attend a club meeting now. So, after getting burned over & over, I now will only hunt with a few guys who have earned my trust. If that makes me "rude" or "full of myself" so be it....
The best thing to do when you meet a new detecting buddy is to go find a "neutral site" together. Knock a door, get some maps, & go find a new site together rather than an existing permission one of you already had. That way in theory there should be no problems.....
Well said, Bill.
I believe the Latin term is "Quid Pro Quo." Excellent advice on where to hunt with a new partner.
I try not to stereotype all archies because some of them are truly good people who love history, although I know many of them certainly stereotype all of us dirt fishers.
So I won't say a majority, but at least a sizable minority of archies are overeducated, underpaid snobs on the government dole making a living from grants from our tax dollars and they believe that no ground (public OR PRIVATE) should be touched by anyone but them.
I have a relative who detects and sent me a disturbing newspaper article. He lives in a midwestern city where the the official archaeology association is having a fit because a bunch of high school honor students are having the experience of their lives doing a supervised dig of an 18th century site on private property.
The students' teacher has been on several digs, but is not a certified archie so the archies have their panties all in a bunch.
But the site is on private property so they can't do anything except whine about it in the newspaper.