Does the machine have a good enough target id spread between zincs and copper pennies?
Yes, I have been enjoying the US Penny-range TID spread. Our modern Zinc cents, as well as most Indian Head and very early Wheat-Back cents from 1909 to about 1920ish have a similar lower conductivity, while the better purity 'Copper' cents read notably higher. We have enjoyed about two weeks of spring-like weather and I have been concentrating my field work and evaluation time on a WW-II POW Camp, Japanese Internment and CCC location, and three lots that were/are the site of old house demolitions.
I have been pulling an almost unwelcome number of 1¢ coins and all the locations are trashy, do have a mix of modern coinage as well. I hunt them with a slow and methodical sweep to isolate keepers from the trash and using mainly 3-Tone and 4-Tone modes, but in sparser areas I enjoy 2-Tone.
Are the waterproof headphones inbound soon?
That answer will have to come from the Nokta/Makro folks. I have mainly been using the wireless 2.4 Gig headphones about 80% of the time and the balance I've used corded headphones.
How is the target modulation Does it do a good job of loud sounds on surface targets, and soft sounds on the deep targets.
Yes, the Multi-Kruzer's audio response has been very informative and provides very nice audio 'clarity' as do all of my Nokta and Makro models.

As for 'Modulated' audio, it is more discernible in the 2-Tone and DEEP Discriminate modes than in the processed 3-Tone and 4-Tone audio Disc. modes, but all modes do provide ample modulation based upon your settings.
Oh and one more thing. All the buttons are black. Any word on Makro coloring some of the buttons to make settings easier to adjust with highlighted buttons instead of all black.
The all-black touchpad section isn't a problem, at least for me. Remember, most of the time we are only accessing the Pinpoint function once Ground Balanced and under way because we have the ability to set up our preferred settings in each of the six search modes and save them. One I get to a site, with the unit ready to turn on in my most-used mode, I simply GB then start hunting.
I don't tinker with the control settings most of the time as there isn't a need to. On occasion I might reduce the Gain that I have set high should there be annoying EMI, which is hardly ever. I do access the Frequency section to go from 14 kHz to 19 kHz to re-cover some areas I hunt, or might even choose to just hunt a site at 19 kHz when I first get started at some sites. The buttons are well spaced, nicely positioned for easy access, and have been working fine. I don't even look at them. Just hunt and naturally access the Pinpoint button w/o looking. If I want to make a mode-change, that is also fast and simple to do on-the-fly w/o looking at the buttons.
Two more hours and I'll be putting the Multi-Kruzer, Racer 2, CoRe and Relic to work at a few older sites. If you were nearby [size=small]
(I'm in far Eastern Oregon near the Idaho border)[/size] I'd invite you to join in the fun and let you swing the Multi-Kruzer around for a spell and see how pleasant it is to use.