Thanks for mentioning that Stan.
I don't hunt where it's not allowed.
I make a big deal out of it and show mothers and fathers the glass and nails and we talk about how we can improve the conditions for safety and enjoyment of the park.
That makes them and me at ease. I don't have to worry what they are thinking because we just discussed it.
An Arkansas Gazette News Paper reporter came out to the park on the river and interviewed me and then photographed me metal detecting. I watched for the photos and article in the news paper and never saw it.:sad: She did say that not all stories make it into print. I guess local metal detecting stories aren't big news.
I love the parks around here.
I know some of the Public Works employees by sight and always wave at them even if I don't know them.
I will stop and talk to them when they are kind of standing around. I'm a retired City employee and can relate to them. Most of the just love to shoot the bull. I treat cops the same way. Most of them are Vets and good old boys, you see, I'm an old Arkie in Arky Land, they got to get past my bull if they want to mess with this old far+.
I can't help it I'm just a crusty old far+ and gave up trying to change.
I think some of you older far+s can feel for what I'm saying. We can just get by with it, cause them young bucks think they got to respect us.
Man I love this hobby
I don't hunt where it's not allowed.
I make a big deal out of it and show mothers and fathers the glass and nails and we talk about how we can improve the conditions for safety and enjoyment of the park.
That makes them and me at ease. I don't have to worry what they are thinking because we just discussed it.
An Arkansas Gazette News Paper reporter came out to the park on the river and interviewed me and then photographed me metal detecting. I watched for the photos and article in the news paper and never saw it.:sad: She did say that not all stories make it into print. I guess local metal detecting stories aren't big news.

I love the parks around here.

I can't help it I'm just a crusty old far+ and gave up trying to change.
I think some of you older far+s can feel for what I'm saying. We can just get by with it, cause them young bucks think they got to respect us.
Man I love this hobby