Hey Tom, Oh Yeah I remember the Hot Head coils! It's still hanging in my closet now! I got one pretty early on and probably used it mostly on my Tesoro GS II. Maybe a few times on my Inca. I think there may have been very few sold or made for Tesoros but It worked well for me as it seemed to be a good bit lighter than the 8" donut coil on the GSII.That was a big Plus I thought and made my hunting more comfortable. And any extra depth I gained from the Hot Head on the GSII was just more gravy on my biscuit ! I always found stuff with it and at depths, as I remember, that seemed fair enough to me. The Hot Heads are larger and a bunch" thicker" than the donuts. I heard they were foam filled so even a fraction of weight loss on a coil on a long hunt made a big difference to me! And you are right , like lots of the folks back then I was looking for something just a bit deeper I could hang on that GSII. Of course I didn't find out about the advantage of the lighter weight of the Hot Head until I got it, so that made it even better. I probably used it now and then later on some of my µMax machines but only trying them to see how they worked. I do recall that I tried it on my modded Amigo II and for some reason I could never get it to work. To the best of my memory ,one of the UK diggers on the forum said that the Amigo II would not take a Widescan/DD coil. Well I thought back then, " Here we go!" So from then on, I have wondered, and asked around and don't recall if that question was ever answered for me or not.Is the Hot Head a DD or Concentric, or some of both? Seems like yes, the extra diameter of the Hot head could make up for the difference in the depth over that of the donut , on the GSII. I cant speak for any of the other machines and their Hot Heads but it worked well for me with the GSII . The Amigo II /Hot Head opened another can of worms but mostly now it is all "Water under the bridge"! HH ! Charlie