MI-AuAg said:
No intention to get into a knockdown, dragout with you Mark. I respect your opinions, but, when an opinion is factually incorrect, or unproven, I will speak up. There are a lot of people out there who are intersted in equipment and rely on fact based information.
In addressing your opinions, I simply based my reply on personal knowledge. My coil fit perfectly when using the supplied rings, it fit (or DIDN'T fit as the case was) exactly as you said, when the rings weren't used. No biggie! You mounted yours differently evidently, and it didn't work well. That's not by any means a design flaw of the coil, and shouldn't be described as such. Same goes for the connector. The connector on my Snake coil was identical to the stock coil, with the !/8" difference in the metal sleeve behind the connector. Connection fit is fine.
In terms of depth. Prior to purchasing mine, I did indeed read Ron's and MANY other user's opinions. I appreciated his and others honest assessments. The majority were similar to what Ron experienced, it performed on a par with the 5" coil. That was good with me, that was my expectation. I had no expectations of it being a depth demon, nor do I make any such claims, those things originate in fantasyland. As I said SEVERAL times, claims of huge depth advantages genarally can be accepted with a grain of salt, *results may vary* Separation was my main goal, it WAS achieved very well.
As to build quality, internally, or externally, I am open to any FACT based information on either, that would suggest they are of inferior quality. Innuendo doesn't do it for me. From my firsthand observation, and use, I have seen nothing that would indicate any inferior quality. If the coil fails, or falls apart, and NEL doesn't honor it's 2yr warranty, I will be the first to announce it from a mountaintop. In the meantime I have no reason to declare the sky is falling, when all is good. I stand firmly by my opinion of value! I know of no other manufacturer who provides a better all inclusive coil package for the price.
Good hunting, and continued enjoyment of the hobby.
Here is where this gets all sideways, see Ron the poster above is my older brother and in talking to him about his NEL coils I have confirmed the same findings I posted here,
Cheesy decals, poorly designed mounting tabs, a stupid non working connector plug and you took offence to my NON praise of the coil.
I stated that by the cheap externals that in my mind I "Questioned" the rest of the build quality (see questioned speculation below)
Questioned from the Dictionary said:
Questioned=Place in doubt or express doubtful speculation
Speculation from the Dictionary said:
Speculation= A message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
Offence from the Dictionary said:
Offence= The action of attacking an enemy
and you took offence (see above) to even that.
I stated a possible warranty issue because the manufacture of the NEL coils is in Russia and that I hadn't heard of anyone in the US servicing them (I never said anything about them honoring a warranty), again you took offence of my NON praise!
You took offence to Tom's comment of the aftermarket coils in general, because of his NON praise!
I stated that I never seen any magic in the NEL coil and you took offence of my NON praise!
Then you insinuated that I didn't have the brain power to properly mount the coil, even though I've been mounting coils on detectors sense 1981 and the NEL is the only one I had an issue with, you took offence to my NON praise!
I've had upwards of 5 detectors at one time with 3-5 coils for each one and I never had a mounting issue with any of them, yes I've had BAD unusable coils I had to throw in the trash, but not mounting issues from poorly designed mounting tabs, you took offense of my NON praise!
And about that really great free coil cover,
In my view with a solid resin fill bottom coil (and not being able to seal the cover) I don't like the water catching, sand collecting tray that the cover creates, a little water and some lose minerals and you'll start having false signals, I mean its not likely to wear thought 3/8" of solid resin! and you'll take offense to that I'm sure.
Its good that you have confidence in your equipment it helps you in the field thinking (not fact) your stuff is working RIGHT!
You must be graced with the ability to overlook a lot of flaws because I'm not, the surface issue cast doubts in my mind.
In all of this I never stated that the NEL coils were a poor performer, I just didn't see anything magical about them compared to the OEM coils.
Is it possible that you really don't like someone singing a different praise than you do about anything?
Also, I never spoke badly about the performance of the NEL coils, I hate the way they mount and the little effort that the company put into the Nickel details, but if at some point in time a NEL coil will fill a coil gap I have and the price is right I would consider buying one. I don't feel that I EVER spoke badly of the coil, just some aspects of it, and that ruffled your feathers.
Bellow is a picture of 4 of my detectors all with properly mounted coils, and modified with low powered search lights for night hunting.
The other pictures are of a modified sealed coil cover I did and a applied coating of epoxy to the bottom of an open frame coil that was to much trouble to try and seal the cover, I also added sealer to the seems of this coil.