Hey Del, so what does the 7" concentric have that the Snake doesn't.....
I feel for most the sites I am not losing performance using this coil while gaining a bit more coverage at the same time. But only having the coil a few days I do want to see what it can really do. On the NBT with a zinc penny, the coil had no problem what so ever doing the test. In fact, Monte has a T2 Classic that he got in a trade deal that has a Snake coil attached to it. On the NBT the 7" Concentric coil outperformed the T2. The 7" easily hit 8 of 8 while the T2 struggled on a couple of the directions. The Racer 2 with that coil also gave a cleaner response in 2 & 3 tones over the T2. I also tried my R2 with Snake coil getting the same results. So in most situations ( maybe all) the 7" gives me the performance without much worry.
However, for my own curiosity, I will do the Unstandard NBT, making the test harder and harder until the last coil standing. I want to see how this coil hangs in there with the smaller OOR coil, 5" coil and the NEL's. My gut feeling is it will do pretty darn good. And as Monte stated the Concentric does help in identifying the crap better. Am I ready to throw my snake coil away.........nope. I'm pretty parcel to that coil, it does very well in hunting those iron/rusted tin sites.
My thinking now is that I will prob use the 7" to hunt sites like Lone Tree, Cobre, Tobar etc.....trashy sites but not extremely trashy. Sites like Toano where I couldn't even ground balance the oor coil without walking back out to the road we drove in on to finally find a spot that was free of iron/rusted tin etc. In the extreme trash, I'll still grab my snake coil. I am familiar with it and know what it can do. But like I said, time will tell. I do know that I will be using the new 7" coil a lot. I feel it's a great coil to have in the arsenal. Even if not hunting ghost towns, it would be a great "all round" coil to have. It's a breeze to swing on the Racer 2.
Sidenote: On the NBT that we did yesterday, we randomly picked a spot and threw the NBT down on the ground while at "lone tree'' So, besides the 4 nails to contend with, there was other debris in the ground and under the nail board, the reason why the T2 struggled on a few directions. We then raised the coil while doing the test to see how high we could get above the board before losing a reading entirely, the T2 was able to get about 1 to 1.5" higher over the Racer 2. Monte ran the T2 while doing the test and I used my Racer 2's