What a day! It just gets better and better every time I hit this park. So, a little recap. I stumbled upon a new honey hole. I'd like to call it the "Money Tree" since all of my finds the last few days have been around this really old tree with giants roots that stretch out on top of the soil for about 30 feet. On Saturday I found 3 dimes, 2 Mecury, 1 Barber (my first) and a ton of old Wheats. On Monday I found 3 more Mercury dimes, a silver ring, and a lot more Wheats. So here we are today. I made a camera mount mod for the E-Trac so I could film my hunts better, and I didn't have a lot of expectations going back to this area of the park again. How could it get better, or so I thought. I decided to focus my hunt around the area where I found 2 mercs and a ring all within a few feet of each other. I couldn't have foreseen how awesome today was gonna be. First, a Mercury dime. Then my first Buffalo nickel just a foot from that hole. Then another Buffalo nickel a foot from that hole, and then another, and then a wheat, and another, and this went on all afternoon. Then I hit a weird signal, dig it, and BAM! A 3 cent! I thought "This is it, day over, best find ever!" Nope! Another Merc, then the "SIGNAL" that still has me blown away. I get this deep 1-40 signal on the E-Trac under a section of the giant root (VIDEO TO COME!), and out pops this super old coin? Please, someone has to help me identify this one. It's biggger than a quarter, has a bust of someone on it, and giant letters hard to make out that go around the bust. This thing is old! Check out the pics and tell me if ya know what it is!
New mod on the E-Tac for holding my iPhone and filming:

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What is this? Look at the angel and the bust and how it looks. There's large writing that goes around the bust really faint.

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Couldn't have dug all the good stuff without digging all this junk too!

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Do you know how hard it is to do the Running Man and Cabbage Patch while holding an E-Trac?

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Video of all my digs coming soon! I had an awesome day. :grin:
New mod on the E-Tac for holding my iPhone and filming:

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What is this? Look at the angel and the bust and how it looks. There's large writing that goes around the bust really faint.

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Couldn't have dug all the good stuff without digging all this junk too!

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Do you know how hard it is to do the Running Man and Cabbage Patch while holding an E-Trac?

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Video of all my digs coming soon! I had an awesome day. :grin: