I've done very well with the learning curve on the E-Trac thanks to the E-Trac forum. Yesterday I was hunting a 1800's park in 2TF and I came across a strong 11-31 ,12-31 which I always considered a trash signal until I found out this past week it could be an Indian number along with all the other numbers in the 30's.This signal was so loud and strong I just had to dig it and it was only about 4" deep. Out pops a 1945 P nickel (silver), Now I have dug hundreds of nickels and everyone always said they come in at Co 11,12,13 14 no body ever posted war nickel numbers in the past 3 yrs I've followed the forum. You can bet I'll continue to dig 11,12-31 in hopes of finding an Indian or war nickel from now on. I started a pocket note book 3 yrs. ago on every coin and the numbers posted on this forum and I carry it with me every time I go to hunt. I even get numbers from the videos. This park is so trash filled and I 've been told there is nothing left because it has been hit hard by clubs and everyone else for the past 30 yrs..Well I 've been there 4 times this past week for about 2-3 hour hunts. First hunt= 1908 First Barber dime,Second hunt 1903 First V nickel,Third hunt 1900 V nickel and a 1928 Merc and my Forth hunt was the 1945 P war nickel . All Found using 2TF. I guess all the other hunters never used that method before and these are only 2 to 3 hour hunts. I'm loving it THANKS G4E , I'm Learning