Today I again hunted the 1872 country church where I found a Seated Dime a couple of weeks ago. The site is about two acres with a gravel drive dividing the area in half. I hunted the side that I didn't get to last time and could tell right away that it also had been hunted hard like the other side. There were very few single digit signals and with the Nel 12"X13" coil mounted on the F75 I decided to hunt in All Metal Mode. The grass had just been cut, and with the recent 4 inches of rain the digging was easy. Knowing how hard it had been hunted in the past,I concentrated on the whisper type targets. Two of the Indians gave low whisper hits with VDI readings of 54-57 at about 7 inches. I found the other Indian Head by digging an iffy 50-51 VDI target. When I cut the plug it pinpointed deeper in the hole and after digging out a little more dirt, I found a small piece of rusted metal. I replaced the plug thinking that I had recovered the target. I rescanned the ground again and now had a 56-57 reading. When I reopened the plug I found it on the side wall about 8" down. The Mercury Dime was a good 8" and only gave a 67-69 VDI and surprised me that the reading was so low. It has black staining and this may be the reason. The ring is marked sterling and gave a decent 72-73 VDI....Thanks for looking