By Transdenominational...... I simply mean that I look across the denominational lines that we as Christians tend to identify ourselves with. I feel that the "Placards" that we hang over the door of our church buildings are mans' contrivances, not the Lord's. The Apostle Paul fought this early in the life of the Church.... and regrettably we still deal with it in today's time.
Satan does not care what we call ourselves as long as we are divided, and the Lord God does not care what we call ourselves as long as we are United (In Christ).
By Amillennial.... I mean that I believe that the 1000 years mentioned in Revelation is a Numeric Symbol representing a Spiritual Truth.... as the Book of Revelation was "signified" to John in Vision form. (Ch. 1 Vs. 1) The entire book was presented to John in Vision form.... not parts of it here and parts of it there. You can't take parts of the book Spiritually and parts of it Literally. Numerology was used significantly in Scripture (As well as Shadow language, Picture Language, Foreshadowings, etc.), Throughout the Bible to reveal Truths. Jesus used these as well... in his parables to teach Truths... by use of allegory and metaphors and similes.
To me (and not to wish others to need to believe as I do, for we should all be United in Christ) the 1000 years of Revelation is a numeric symbol (composite number) representing .......10 x 10 x 10. 3 Tens ..... 3 ( representing the triune nature of God) and 10 (A number that throughout scripture represents completeness). So in it's entirety, 1000 simply means God's Complete Amount of time that He deems necessary for the fulfillment of His plan.... and His Son's return to claim His Kingdom... a Kingdom that exists in the hearts of Man (Not of this world). For as Christian, The Lord "has made" us a Kingdom and Priests.... Therfore, I do not believe in a physical 1000 years, but a Spiritual 1000 Years that will exist from the time of Christ's Resurrection until God decides that the time is right to send His Son back to claim what is His.
Okay.... I need to Hesh Up! Sorry if I have stepped on any toes here.
But, I hope it explains what I meant by Transdenominational Amillennialist.
God Bless you, and Be a blessing to another today,