I think the 10" DD is going to be great at the beach and the open and less trashy areas. I think that you will be able crank the Sensitivity up a little more and run it a little hotter at the beach. It is going to see the beach mineralization less. I fugue it will get a little more depth then the 5x10 18.75DD. I think it will be a good relic coil. Hey, I keep this up I will talk myself into one and be calling Dugger to send me one.
When I go by there on my way to Jacksonville Fl to see the kids I am going to drop off some of my detectors for him to sell for me
and maybe, he will let me use his 10" Excalibur for some water beach hunting
over in Jax. I hear that is a fine machine but, they leak and have trouble with there coil and earphone wires but if I like it and find out they have fixed the leak problems I will return his and buy one and sell my CZ20. My Cz 20 is one of the first ones to come out and I sent it back to the factory not long back and they went thru it completely and even put me a new housing on it. The machine looks just like a new one. I had them juice it up for me. The Excalibur is going to have to do some walking and talking for me to buy one and beat my CZ20. I don't think the sensitivity, on the new X70 10" DD, to the gold is going to be much different then the 9" concentric. Maybe a little less if any. I know the concentric is very good on some of my very small gold even in the beach mode and that says a lot for a 7.5KHz coil. I have a little gold cross that is 3/32 wide at 7/8" long, the horizontal cross part is only 1/16 wide 7/16" long and it is .030 that is 30 thousandths of a inch thick. It is 14KT . The only machines that will ID the target in Discriminate mode is naturally my shadow X5 with all the coils even the DD which is what I found it with in beach mode on a salt water beach wet sand, my MXT in beach mode and and low and behold my XTERRA 70 in the beach mode with the Elliptical 5x10DD and even the 7.5KHz 9" Xterra coil. Now that was a real surprise to me. Of coarse it don't beat my Shadow X5 but there ain't a machine out there that I have owned that will beat my "Miss Sweetie" Shadow X5 and I have had all the good ones. Well Gary, I have been rambling on here hope, no one got bored. Maybe someone else would like to ramble a little on the new 10 7.5KHz Xterra DD. Man I love this being Retired I got time to hunt and get on the net also
. I can even get a little
. I have to be very careful in how I say thing though and watch how I put things in context so I don't bust my own bubble
. Keep hunting the beaches over there. I am going to go down to Cape Coral Fl. and hunt with my buddy Chuck down there for at least a week or maybe two. Later bud Jerry aka Tinfoil.