Critterhunter said:There is no doubt that the AT Pro or any other VLF water machine for that matter will not match the Excal (Sovereign) in depth under all types of ground conditons, though from what I've read the At Pro will give any Minelab (Sovereign, Etrac, Explorer) a run for it's money in terms of depth in some forms of mineralization (not all). But, when you factor in the price of an At Pro and the price of an Excal combined with the problems Minelab seems at a loss to correct in terms of reliability of the Excal (mainly the control pots)...One has to really consider an At Pro at half the price and it's light weight ease of land use along with water....AND the fact that you can swap coils on it right out of the box. People also seem to love it's lightning fast unmasking ability in iron as well.
Look at it this way...Minelab finally has some competition to the Excal after all these years, if not entirely based on performance then at least largely motivated by price. The At Pro at $540 doesn't suffer (if you think it does suffer) THAT much in performance to justify paying twice that amount for a heavier Excal...with the weight of a boat anchor...with the comfort of a bag of rocks...lacking an LCD screen...and suffering from reliability problems. If anything, perhaps Minelab will now feel obligated or at least motivated to come out with an improved water machine. I personaly would never buy an Excal. I can belly wade with my GT, and I could always buy a old Sovereign model south of $400 and stick that in a waterproof box and get the same or better performance of an Excal with much less in way of reliability issues. I always felt doing that was much more logical and would save you a ton of money over buying an Excal. And then you could take the Sovereign out of the water proof box and have a much more comfortable land machine as well.
Is the Excal, like the Sovereign, tops in terms of performance? Yes, no question. But is it that much ahead of an At Pro to justify twice the price and major reliability issues? Nope. In some grounds the At Pro will go just as deep from what I've read. And, even if down the road you find the At Pro has some reliability issues you can at least rest assured that Garrett will bend over backwards to fix the problem. Their customer service is legendary. Again, I'd be more apt to buy an older Sovereign model (they all get about the same depth anyway) and throw that in a waterproof box. Why spend more for a heavier, bulky, poor balanced, machine that has some design flaws?
I'm sure Excal lovers will come out of the wood work to flame me for the above, but that's just the way I feel.
I think if you had a few thousand hours on an excal in the surf you might be qualified to compare-BTW how many hours in the surf do you have with the AT Pro? I run an excal 4-6 days a week 365 (weather permitting) with very few problems and the one I did have was fixed and is on its second year of use-it is one of 3. Is Garret's customer service superior to Minelab-sure but compare the number of Garrett machines in use to Minelab and I own a Infinium LS & a Sea Hunter MK2 but IMHO the excal with the WOT coil wins hands down. U want to box up a Sov & try to hunt it in the surf GOOD LUCK. You who worry about weight in ounces would have a ball with that rig. Ever try to hold a beach ball down on the bottom of a pool? Now do it with a big scoop and waves slamming into you
As for me I hope ALL WATER HUNTERS buy and use the AT Pro, especially here in FL