Sooper Dave
Well-known member
A few weeks back when the buttercups first started blooming, I wanted to get out and hit a very old spot with my buddy. This place holds a lot of history but is a very long hike back through the woods. The best time to look around is in the winter but you can't during the hunting season so early spring is the time to go. We found the time to get together and make the hike back. Unfortunately the majority of where the action took place many years ago is covered with thickets that you can barely walk through much less swing a detector. So after a couple of hours of getting beat up by the woods we made our way to a field. We were so delighted just to be able to stand up straight and swing that finding anything would be a bonus. As soon as we get into the field he gets a signal with his Equinox and starts to dig. I kept checking with him on what it was but he was having trouble locating the target. I walked over to help out and offered for him to use my pinpointer and even searched with it down in the hole but never heard a signal. He showed me a piece of a dirt clod that looked like a small coin impression. I went back to hunting but was also telling him not to give up on the signal as he told me it was a decent sounding 19 on the Nox. Well he packed the loose dirt back in the hole and went back to hunting around the filed for a little while and we had even talked about hiking back out and trying to get a permission from a door knock since we were not having any luck. I stayed in the field as he went back into the woods. I looked around for a while without any luck and had worked my way back to that hole so I decided to double check it with the old Etrac and sure enough I got a nice sounding 12-41 signal. I reached down with my pinpointer and flipped out a tiny silver coin and immediately see that it is a Spanish half Real. I am now standing there in disbelief because these don't come up often and I know that this is a huge bucket list coin for my buddy. I am also excited to be the first one to see this coin in probably 200 years. I took a couple of quick photos and put it right back in the hole. I called my buddy and told him to get back down to the field with his machine. By the time he gets there I am recording with my phone and he knows something is up. It was such a fun time getting to see him freak out over finding his first Spanish Silver and me getting to bust his chops on walking away from the target. I know I've had signals disappear on me and you just call it a false from iron. It sure makes you second guess the ones you walk away from. I was glad to find it first but makes for a great story between us and his reaction is something I will never forget. Now if it was a CS buckle he may have learned a really tough lesson that day