Huh ? The fed reserve HAS to take them. That's what they advertise as taking in. Damaged money (like in fires, floods, etc...), they have always, to my knowledge, converted the coins or bills back for real money . Provided you pay the postage I guess.
I heard of guys using those one-size-fits-all prepaid boxes, where no matter how heavy the box is, it still ships for the same cost ($7 or whatever). And the load it up with pounds and pounds of zinc that are too rotten to spend, and too rotten (zitted) to roll. And they get back a check in the mail that more than pays for their postage to send it in.
To me the profit (after postage) doesn't seem worth it. But they figure if they're just gonna throw them away, they might as well get something back. And to my knowledge, the Fed. reserve has never declined to take .
Here is their policy statement. Scroll to the bottom for the section referring to coins:
As you can see the coins can't be A) "bent" (I dunno why they'd disclude that) and B) must be recognizable.
So were your zincs
SO bad that they weren't even "recognizable" ?