I never thought you would get so up tight by another forum members post. I've always open your posts because you seem to have a little mastery of the Mine lab Detectors, and what you have posted as dug, but to come out this way, not caring if people believe that you make the finds, but were staged. This is not the way to address others in any forum.
You know what you dug, and some of them are awesome finds, but... you need to take it easy, take a deep breath and let it go as I did about 10 years ago, when I posted a picture of a table full of all sorts of gold, from rings, ear rings, pendants, medallions, chains, wtaches, and not a few, but a number of forum members started posting that they didn't believe that I had dug all the gold in the picture, in the two years at the beach.
I just stop posting my finds and left a post, stating nicely, that, that this was the reason a lot of members didn't post their digs anymore, but... to say I didn't care if they believe the finds or not... no. Keep your good re-pore intact Goes forever, and don't fall victim to such scandals, because you get magazine editors here all the time, and I can tell you, that what you write and what, and how you write give them an impression of who you really are, and leads them to decide if should they use you in their mags articles.. just a thought. HH...
PS And to those that keep making and posting these opinions as to what is and what isn't dug, you were not there, and although, yes very few are looking for attention by making post where their digs were stage, but, shame on them, they shouldn't cause a problem with those who have taken time to widen and perfect their hunting skills to be shot down by others. Just state how shameful it is to be practicing such videos or post of pictures, because we don't know who is staging these digs, so let naturalize them by just telling them here with a post, that they are celebrating all their praise in vain, because in their heart, they know they are not telling the truth for a little attention that doesn't last but a few days...