I hope Snakejim is wrong, but at the moment his scenario would seem more likely than not
While the US economy remains in such a difficult state investors will seek the safe haven of gold and the price will rise accordingly.
I would suspect over US$1500/oz not to be out of the question in the next 12 months.
With a change in Government and the promised pull out of Iraq one would hope there would be a little less wasted spending and the economy would settle down somewhat. Hence gold would stabilise and even drop.
We are not allowed to make political comments on this forum, but the question of gold price is directly related to political incompetence and cant be ignored.
On this side of the Pacifice we are faring somewhat better, not necessarily due to political machinations, but rather thanks to China.
Our exports of coal and other natural resources has greatly bouyed the economy to the extent that our Federal Bank is raising interest rates to try and cool it down.
From a personal point of view, when I went into gold mining as a living I was getting around US$275/oz fom memory. Due to the low value of the AUD$ to the USD$ I was recieving around AUD$ 15-$18/ gram from my gold buyer.
Now, with the stronger Aus dollar I get around USD$1000/oz yet only recieve around AUD$32 to $35/ gram. I am not complaining, as the rise is very nice, but gee, if the Aus dollar was still worth USD$0-50c i would be a blooody wealthy bloke!