From an electronics standpoint having a faster computing power of the microprocessor allows more complex software to be used for analysis of the signal.
But also using higher resolution Analog to Digital converters gives the computer more data to have to crunch at any one moment in time.
All these really large numbers that represent analog data in a digital format is just a ton of number crunching to happen with such large amounts of more precise data.
So more powerful electronics alllows for much more decision making by the more complex software using really really large amounts of data from the more precise
digital information from the analog to digital convertors.
Smarter software analyzing at higher precision all at a speed that is faster than before.
But also using higher resolution Analog to Digital converters gives the computer more data to have to crunch at any one moment in time.
All these really large numbers that represent analog data in a digital format is just a ton of number crunching to happen with such large amounts of more precise data.
So more powerful electronics alllows for much more decision making by the more complex software using really really large amounts of data from the more precise
digital information from the analog to digital convertors.
Smarter software analyzing at higher precision all at a speed that is faster than before.