Well, we got enough of the shop completed that Sherry and I have been working in it to catch up on back orders for her products. Having never done more than deliver the packaged product to the post office left me in a learning mode - and a frustrating time which lead to getting things a bit more organized. Well the orders are all out and only one has come in since....it took too long to get the shop useable and we lost several distributors and the trust of those who we kept telling 'it should be done soon'. April to October is not soon. It hurt our reputation.
In the frustration too of knowing Sherry's other phone answering job is ending tomorrow I called the 'contractor' who was to do more work - for which he had already been paid for in advance - to help him out. Long story short he TOLD me I could finish the rest of the work myself. Still having the hernia I finished digging the dry well, building 'the box', filling it with pea gravel and moving the sand that came out of the hole. Sherry was inside the house crying. A conflict of a useless contractor, me having to risk my life to do the work he was paid for and because he is also taking care of her Mom and everyone - but me - consideres him 'family', she was torn.
Took me less than a half day to finish the well which the only thing the 'contractor' did was cut some plywood and boards - other than that I did the whole job (and I have the tools I could have cut the wood myself as well). A little trimming of the drywall is left at the floor and then putting up the trim at wall and ceiling, around the floor and wall and around the air conditioning unit the shop will be compete - oh yeah I still have an outside door to frame and install.
As orders come in I will be helping Sherry get the orders filled and out to the post office. Also am looking for work - in a limited work area (and with the hernia there is only so much I can accept to do). Unless the shop picks up its business we will have no income.
Because I was in the hospital, I was told to contact the state Family Independence Agency to get medical coverage - to help pay for the hospital bills. Well, though things didn't work as I thought, I didn't get any medical coverage and the state cannot help pay the hospital bills. A discount program that would have reduced the amount owed to only 5% was shot down. On the good news side, Sherry and Casey are covered by medicaid and they will have some food assistance. (They decided that if it was under my name Casey, as my step-daughter would have no medical coverage so they put it in Sherry's name and guess dropped me.) Was told since I have no 'continuing medical problem' I was ineligible for assistance.
I just shake my head in not understanding the logic.
Hopefully, Sherry can use the medicaid to get her catarac in her eye taken care of - she can't drive at night now - and maybe Casey can get some new glases.
Trusting God to figure out how to pay off the medical bills (about $2,000 so far) and getting the hernia work done.
For those who wonder - we got 3 days of snow up here already. Here one day gone the next afternoon, back the next morning and gone again in the afternoon and well you get the idea. I guess the cold weather was a hint to some critter(s) they should move into our 'upstairs' - though we have no 'upstairs'. We think it might be raccoon(s) because they are nocturnal and sound like they are beating nuts against the roof to break em open. I can't find where they got in and no way to see into the 'roof over' the mobile home to see what is up there or to get whatever they are out. Oh yeah amazing how well one can see out the windows when one cleans them inside and out. (We didn't want to look out through dirty windows all winter.)
[attachment 38225 Snow.jpg]
I feel very well for a guy who was almost dead back about the first part of September. Thanks and praise God I have come through this so quickly - thanks for your prayers too!
Well that's about it. Not looking forward to shaving off the beard to go job hunting but if I have to then it will have to go.
[attachment 38224 Pete.jpg]
Take care all. God bless each and everyone of you and yours as well.