Bugar In. USA
Active member
And specially after diggin with the General last year and this year in that Tennessee red clay, last year it was red mud, this year was like a brick, when it comes to deep, well i have dug lots of tiny little stuff like saddle nails and small cal bullets at 10 in. and more, never measured everything but lordy, sure is a relic locater, but i gotta admit i havn't dug anything deeper than 22 in., and the Genral said that was bout his deepest he found anything with the C$ too, got several outa my yard where i used a 16in spade and never thought much bout it, well, actually i found em and wifey dug em
I really don't think i want anything that finds stuff any deeper or farther away, i'm too old for alla that diggin, beaches are easier for us geezers, don't care for that pick and shovel diggin