Yesterday I took advantage of the nice warm weather 59 degree's and headed to a beach with Carol and Vlad from and 2 of my hunting friends and we had a pretty good time.. Carol and one of my friends hit the dry sand and Carol got a silver ring and a silver charm, Vlad had a good day hitting 3 rings in the chilly 30 degree water 1 was gold, a 59 school ring, 1 silver cookie ring and a plated junker ring. My water hunting friend got a junker ring and a half dollar cookie coin, I hunted away from them going to a different part of the beach and got a tiny 18k gold plated signet ring must have been a babies ring its smaller than a dime the chain I thought was silver but I'm not sure its not rusty and still has a little black on it..
We had a great time together
One thing that bothered me quite a bit though... Some slob was out there because next to his holes that hadn't completely filled in yet was his trash sitting on top of the sand and it tells me he was probably there the day before... If your not going to take your trash away find another hobby slob! How hard is it to place a piece of junk into a pouch?
We had a great time together
One thing that bothered me quite a bit though... Some slob was out there because next to his holes that hadn't completely filled in yet was his trash sitting on top of the sand and it tells me he was probably there the day before... If your not going to take your trash away find another hobby slob! How hard is it to place a piece of junk into a pouch?