People ask why you hunt with others or feel infringed by "someone else getting to thier goodies". This is yesterdays hunt for all of you hope you see humor. We arrived at marina to leave as we were hunting a local party spot. I arrived and was unloading as the other two arrived. sfsweeper arrived in rare form. I had mentioned to the other partner the lifeguards had spoke to me about a large hunter leaving his holes and I had advise I would speak the person if I every saw this happening. Well sfsweeper is a large fellow and can on occasion leave a hole and we pick at him on this. Well the other party hunting as mentioned brought it up on the way and he came out swinging. I looked at the the other hunter and said "give Aretha a Snicker in the back seat Please". It was on.
Even though we live in Florida what we feel is cold may not be to you but it is all relative. It is cold here. There moring was extremely foggy and I could just see safe distance for getting to our destination. I had picked at the other two as both had thier bathing suits and dive boots for feet and a coat(?) on to keep warm. As i was harrassing them about I had my duck hunting neopreme waders and long pants and a windbreaker with tennis shoes. I was warm and comfortable. I laughed and ask if they had towels for when they got out of the water and asked where thier dry cloths were for the return trip as it was going to be cold. One jab or another all the way to our destination. Oh I forgot to add insult to injury I wore a ring I had found the day before on a beach we all had hunted all week and found literally clad an nothing else. I wore for thier view which constantly brought out remarks from one of the hunters.
We arrived and anchored and all receeded to get ready. I was fussing because one of the large waves from a Yacht had gotten my waders damp and i was going to get wet when I put the on. Both of them were in the water within a couple of minutes. I pulled my shoes off and was leisurely getting ready. I put one foot in and pulled to slip my foot the remainder of the way and heard a awful noise. I looked down and the boot was on my foot but the wader top had seperated from the boot. Oh $%^&. Luckily I had my bathing suit under my blue jeans and looked around and wading shoes were in the car. So down to suit and tennis shoes on feet I jumped in, to the Can you believe it laughs froms the other two.
It was cold and we hunted and found only clad and pull tabs and loaded to go. No shoes barefooted and the blue jeans had managed to get wet so back we headed into the wind freezing all the way. I think I could have broke my toe off and never felt it on either foot.
I learned a very good lesson "GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY."
Hope you all enjoy
Even though we live in Florida what we feel is cold may not be to you but it is all relative. It is cold here. There moring was extremely foggy and I could just see safe distance for getting to our destination. I had picked at the other two as both had thier bathing suits and dive boots for feet and a coat(?) on to keep warm. As i was harrassing them about I had my duck hunting neopreme waders and long pants and a windbreaker with tennis shoes. I was warm and comfortable. I laughed and ask if they had towels for when they got out of the water and asked where thier dry cloths were for the return trip as it was going to be cold. One jab or another all the way to our destination. Oh I forgot to add insult to injury I wore a ring I had found the day before on a beach we all had hunted all week and found literally clad an nothing else. I wore for thier view which constantly brought out remarks from one of the hunters.
We arrived and anchored and all receeded to get ready. I was fussing because one of the large waves from a Yacht had gotten my waders damp and i was going to get wet when I put the on. Both of them were in the water within a couple of minutes. I pulled my shoes off and was leisurely getting ready. I put one foot in and pulled to slip my foot the remainder of the way and heard a awful noise. I looked down and the boot was on my foot but the wader top had seperated from the boot. Oh $%^&. Luckily I had my bathing suit under my blue jeans and looked around and wading shoes were in the car. So down to suit and tennis shoes on feet I jumped in, to the Can you believe it laughs froms the other two.
It was cold and we hunted and found only clad and pull tabs and loaded to go. No shoes barefooted and the blue jeans had managed to get wet so back we headed into the wind freezing all the way. I think I could have broke my toe off and never felt it on either foot.
I learned a very good lesson "GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY."
Hope you all enjoy