Thank you for your replies! John, I use to do a lot of panning and slucing for gold. Found a bit, mostly alluvial. My hubby use to dredge for gold as a living. But he has found a lot of nice nuggets. He has a nice specimen, gold laced through iron ore, which looks unusual. Under a magnifying glass, the gold looks like little waves of water washing over rock. Because I live in an old gold mining town, and for a while, my job was talking to tourists as a guide about gold, mining and exploration drilling, it kinda lost it's lustre for me, if you know what I mean! I really get a kick out of relics and old coins, because they tell a story about the people that once lived here. As for the beach, the nearest to me is about 2 hours away. We mostly hit the beaches in the summertime. We're now coming into winter, and it chilly as.
Hello holedigger, I don't know too many women who enjoy detecting around here. When we go out with friends, it's usually with the guys we know. One friend just bought himself the Explorer XS, and has been out with us learning the machine. Garry, (my hubby), has the Explorer 2 and loves it. It's a powerful machine, and seems to go slightly deeper than my Quattro. In my opinion, detecting is the best kind of hobby out!