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but we all dig them and if we don't we will miss some great finds, rings etc. But what do we do with them once we have dug them. Well I used to throw them away with all my other trash, that was until this summer. I read up on the Ronald McDonald house and found that they provide a place for a family to stay while their children are being cared for in a hospital. I read about the pop top program where folks turn in their collection of pop tops. Why pop tops instead of the whole can? Well they say that there is more aluminum in the tab than in the can. I didn't know that. Well 1 lb of pull tabs is worth about 57 cents and I gallon of tabs is worth about $1.49. 1 gallon of tabs equal about 4,175 tabs. Now that is a lot of digging.. Well I started thinking that since we are digging them anyway why not start saving them. My wife and I started saving all the tabs and they started to add up. Well the tabs we saved this summer are worth about 75 cents. Not very much, but can you imagine if say 1000 guys and gals were saving their pull tabs. I know there are others who save the pull tabs, but I know of others who just throw them away. If we are going to dig them why not save them and donate them to The Ronald McDonald House. Just a thought, you never know one day you or someone close to you may need to call upon Ronald for help. HH Dennis in Idaho