<center><img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b330/John-Edmonton/FELLERFOUND2.jpg">
Yeller Feller Finds another Yeller Feller.....too funny! As soon as I saw that yellow guy, I knew there and then that he was going to be featured on the forums tonite. Any how, it was an interesting day. So hot that the mosquitoes wouldn't even bite.
I went to three different locations, and found seven silver coins and a nice STERLING SILVER ring, that needed a little work on the mandrill, as it was kinda flat. It has VANCOUVER written across it. Lots of pennies out there too!
<center><img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b330/John-Edmonton/sixsilver2.jpg">
Here are all the seven silvers with a one cent play money (also found) to fill in the last square.
Yeller Feller Finds another Yeller Feller.....too funny! As soon as I saw that yellow guy, I knew there and then that he was going to be featured on the forums tonite. Any how, it was an interesting day. So hot that the mosquitoes wouldn't even bite.
<center><img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b330/John-Edmonton/sixsilver2.jpg">
Here are all the seven silvers with a one cent play money (also found) to fill in the last square.