Since you can only put 6 pictures together at a time & I'm now on my home computer, I'll dig into my pics for a few more 2005 finds & memories. I'm leaving out the finds that already appear in the new Edge ad & also the ones in the new W&E story......
[attachment 14116 Storm1edit.jpg]
A memorable hunt was when Gary Storm from DetectorPro came to our area. After cleaning out all the gold rings from our ponds, we took him to a Colonial field. Here's the 3 of us (sorry Toysoro made the picture)
Hey look...I'm glowing
[attachment 14117 1830bustHD2.jpg]
Yes, I was glowing for real after I recovered this nice 1830 Capped Bust half dime that day using the Excel. More great details, & my 3rd Bust of the year
[attachment 14118 BigRivMill3.jpg]
Hiking 2 miles into the woods along a stream one day, I looked up & was amazed to see a Colonial mill complex along the side of a hill. There's no mention of it & it does not appear on any maps. All's I had on me was a GPS & camera that day. So this is another site to hit in 2006....
[attachment 14120 puffadder.jpg]
Hunting a 1 room school house foundation alone....this mean looking snake puffed up like a cobra & I thought sure was gonna kill me :O
It looked nothing like the harmless garden snakes we have here, but I find out later it's a harmless "puff adder"
[attachment 14121 AdamsWoods.jpg]
Me, Ted, & Rob hunted a colonial cellar hole deep in the woods at this place we called "Adams woods". We followed an overgrown cart road to find a kick butt, un-hunted hole the land owner sent us to look for. It paid off with 3 more shoe buckles, coat buttons, & a large cent. Gut r Dun!
[attachment 14122 Ringmaster.jpg]
Finally...it was cool to see my brockage large cent appear on the cover of the W&E Treasures best finds issue alongside Bill Henderson's awesome pure gold Roman Ring
HH, Bill
[attachment 14116 Storm1edit.jpg]
A memorable hunt was when Gary Storm from DetectorPro came to our area. After cleaning out all the gold rings from our ponds, we took him to a Colonial field. Here's the 3 of us (sorry Toysoro made the picture)
Hey look...I'm glowing
[attachment 14117 1830bustHD2.jpg]
Yes, I was glowing for real after I recovered this nice 1830 Capped Bust half dime that day using the Excel. More great details, & my 3rd Bust of the year
[attachment 14118 BigRivMill3.jpg]
Hiking 2 miles into the woods along a stream one day, I looked up & was amazed to see a Colonial mill complex along the side of a hill. There's no mention of it & it does not appear on any maps. All's I had on me was a GPS & camera that day. So this is another site to hit in 2006....
[attachment 14120 puffadder.jpg]
Hunting a 1 room school house foundation alone....this mean looking snake puffed up like a cobra & I thought sure was gonna kill me :O
It looked nothing like the harmless garden snakes we have here, but I find out later it's a harmless "puff adder"
[attachment 14121 AdamsWoods.jpg]
Me, Ted, & Rob hunted a colonial cellar hole deep in the woods at this place we called "Adams woods". We followed an overgrown cart road to find a kick butt, un-hunted hole the land owner sent us to look for. It paid off with 3 more shoe buckles, coat buttons, & a large cent. Gut r Dun!
[attachment 14122 Ringmaster.jpg]
Finally...it was cool to see my brockage large cent appear on the cover of the W&E Treasures best finds issue alongside Bill Henderson's awesome pure gold Roman Ring
HH, Bill