Beautiful big bird! Nice to hear them at night up in the darkness when they are on the move!....I remember one Fall day I was driving South on I75 from MI to GA..there was a flock of them beating along heading South, so I counted them and kept track...that flock and I kept pace for nearly 4hrs...65mph!....then they outran me just north of Cincinnati when I hit some traffic..I tried to catch up in Kentucky to no avail...I often wondered about if theres a relationship between those geese and Hummingbirds?
If I was a Hummingbird, I would find myself a migrating goose and snuggle in tight behind their neck between where their wings join, and hitch a ride all the way instead of flying? seems the Hummingbirds and Canadian geese leave the North in the Fall,and show up in the Spring just about the same I always wondered...I cannot imagine a Hummingbird flying all that distance all alone with those little wings? they gotta be hitching on the backs of Geese right? Thats what I would do!... Anyway, when the geese show up, so do the Hummingbirds, and when the geese leave, so do the Hummingbirds..

Thoughts like this are a wonderment to me, but I have no scientific evidence to either confirm or deny it....
It must be something to be able to go that far that fast when the conditions are right, on the front of a big storm!...Canadian Geese allegedly mate for its sort of sad to count a flock with an odd number...or see one flying all alone calling out mournfully...I carved a Canadian goose wood decoy back in 1977 when I was just a kid....Remarkably, I still have it, its just at the top of the stairs right now, I'll go take a picture!...folks that own Lakefront property hate them on account of they crap all over the place..In all my years, I have never killed one, which is strange come to think of it, on account of I killed a lot of wild things with no remorse or consideration...I guess I just never needed one bad enough to put in the effort...I like them...I like to hear them at night when they are on the move...they announce the change of Seasons...
If I was a bird, I'd like to be a Canadian Goose...Summer up North, Winter down South, always around the water...I wouldnt mind one bit a Hummingbird hitching a long as he has some good entertaining stories to keep me awake on those long flights, and dont crap on my back...