Craig in Alabama
New member
I know this is off topic but last night we got the call every parent doesn't ever want to get. Cory called and had been in a bad wreck. He was calling and he was OK and no one else was involved. He was trying to catch up with some friends and was going 100mph+ when he lost control of his car. All I can say is that the Good Lord protected him from any harm as you will see in the last picture. He walked away without a scratch. When I got to the site I stopped and gave thanks right then and there. I know this is way off topic but if you have kids, you might show them these pictures and what can happen in just a moment of stupidity.
Here's the road he was traveling...nice and straight.
Here's the ravine as it looked from the top.
Here's the view from the bottom
Here's the result
Here's the passenger side. Luckly no one was in the car
Close up of passenger seat
Driver's side
From the back you can see how lucky he was to survive
Here's the road he was traveling...nice and straight.
Here's the ravine as it looked from the top.
Here's the view from the bottom
Here's the result
Here's the passenger side. Luckly no one was in the car
Close up of passenger seat
Driver's side
From the back you can see how lucky he was to survive