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I posted a little about this in a post below but continue to have problems. Ok, now that I have had the Exterra-70 for a while now and have messed with just about every setting except the beach mode. I seem to be having some problem in picking up nickles. I am having very choppy signals on nickles and not the depth I expected. When I do an air test on the nickles the detector really bangs hard and solid with a solid 12 reading on the meter. If I take this same nickle and place it on the ground It is a totally different story! I get little if any signal and then it is very choppy. I am using the stock m coil. I have manually and auto gb and both are at 17 and have moved it from 15 to 25. I can go into all matal or discrimination pattern #1 with all notches excepted, except for -8 down. Sensitivity set all between 18 to 28, volume 30, noise cancel from -1 to +1,threshold from 0 to 10, target tones 3. I have gone in and out of tracking and target stability. I can get good hits using prospecting mode but do not want to use this mode due to the HEAVY trash here. Am I doing something wrong? Otherwise, I love this detector and find it a very easy and light detector and is fun to use. I have found some nickles but not like I should.