Yesterday I went back to a large lot in town that I had hunted many time before. It sits right next to a house that belonged to a famous confederate general. I have found many relics and coins in this spot. I took the xterra 50 and the 6 in dd hf coil for the first time. I wanted to apply some of the techniques and knowledge I had picked up from the faq's and in the post on the xterra forum. I , went thru my normal gb routine and started in all metal at sensitivity of 20. In all metal is was alittle chattery so I clicked down into pattern one and re groundbalanced. My intentions were just to learn this little coil better and only dig targets 2 inchs or less since the ground here is hard as a rock from lack of rain over a month. l have noticed in this lot in the past that one side is still the original field dirt common to this area but the other half has had chert brought in. That little coil is amazing, I tossed a quarter on the ground and waved it over it , I wanted to see the blade detection path and see where a coin drops out of the coverage area. I then played with pinpointing the quarter and on my 6 in dd hf coil it is exactly in between the attaching ears under that white label. I begin searching and listening. I got a good signal of 27 and locked on hard , checked it from several angles and it never wavered off 27. I used the coil to size the target and it was about 5 inchs so I knew it was no coin. I dug it since it was showing 2 inchs. I found a half of a cast iron lid off of a old wood burning stove. Strolling along , trying different sweepspeeds, listening for a high tone I got a solid 42 , it did not waver or jump at all. I checked it from several angles still locked on at 42 but it was 6-8 inchs deep. I did not dig this target because of the hardness of the ground but I did mark it with a golf T and will return for it after we get some rain. I decided to head back to the van and scan as I walked, bang, a vdi of 12 locked on solid. I experimented with the minelab wiggle I had read about but found it not necessarywith this coil. This target was only 2 inchs or less , only one depth mark showing. I did dig this one and it was a ladies costume jewlery ring. My first ring in over a year. I know a 12 is usually a nickle on my machine so I was surprised it was a ring. I think the 6 in hf dd coil is going to stay on this machine andbe my primary coil for everything. Thats how versatel it is. thanks