Hi Ricky, chains and small earrings are hard for any detector to find especially under less than ideal circumstances. All detectors see only the individual links in chains unless it is bunched up. Don't really want to plug other detectors here but most likely you will need a single frq. detector with a high operating frequency to have a better chance at those.
If you just want to use the Explorer to find those, you will need to dig either low numbers(using the digital screen), like 0 or using the smartfind, the cursor will be at the bottom of the screen. I have read where sometimes the Explorer will make a scratchy low sound on those but I don't beach hunt, maybe someone who beach hunts can chime in. You can try test some chains, earrings and see if it will pick them up. Don't expect much depth as it will be hard just to get a signal of any kind on them.
As far as what kind of program, if you are after jewelry, be prepared to dig more alum trash items such as pulltabs and foil. The jewelry program maybe be a good one to use, just press menu then select and scroll down and find it, still, using that program may limit depth and not allow chains to be detected. To get max depth and allow the largest selection of possible signals, you could use iron mask and reduce it down to -15 or -14. You may want to try to use manual sensitivity and up it till it becomes unstable then back it down a few numbers. If there is only one kind of pulltab prevalent then you can use the learn feature and then disc it out.
It sounds like she is doing well with the Explorer by finding rings and other stuff so don't change it up too much at one time, you want her to have fun and not become confused, that's just my take.