So you have been using xlt for a while and other machines and you have been listening to you have to dig everything,well around hear you better get good knee pads and shorten the cord on your headphones,because you will be on the ground all day digging mostly trash.t.So i along with a lot of people look at programs and almost all are the same accept - something to + 95 you can do that with almost any notch machine and find something.So you go to a site around and 90 percent trash after a while you lose your enthusiasm's and you start to lose site of the fun of hunting and looking for rings and coins.What you need to do is actually take a piece of paper and pen and mark the vid numbers of the junk items that repeat themselves and start notching them out.Stop worrying about what you might miss and start enjoying finding more items.Monte's programs are great but they have a specific area in mind. around hear a lot of trash so i need ed something more notched and the last couple of weeks i have been using that and those are the finds above and a good set of headphones,it has brought my anticipation back up on my chances of finding old items rings and coins in hi trash areas.When you look for a program look at the notching system that the person worked on.This way when you go to a site you don't loose your thought to oh boy another piece of trash and start to not check items finds in last few Weeks have come up greatly and my enjoyment to because of the finds iam making yes i maybe missing some but iam finding more this way and seem to concentrate more on my finds.Just my thoughts.