Using a stock 9.5 coil, I got readings on a dime of 3 inches when the coil was right on top of it. Being intrepid and having an electronics backround, I took the knobs off and unscrewed the cover. Behold, a blue pot on the "tuner" side of the board labeled "depth".
I laid the detector on it's side with the green speaker wires disconnected to give me some working room. Away from any metal or electrical equipment, I Air and Ground balanced the detector, then switched to GEB Disc. The wife kindly moved a dime slowly towards the coil while I watched the meter, still off. I tweaked the depth pot clockwise to bring it to the edge of the scale as one would expect for a surface target. Put the thing back together, took it outside and checked it on the ground with the same dime.
All appears to be as it should be. If you try this be careful of the wires inside, also take care to align the pot and switch shafts with the holes when reassembling the unit. Sure beats shipping an out of warranty detector back to Sweet Home in my book. I bought this detector on eBay a couple weeks ago and have had depth reading trouble since. Everything else was fine, I wonder if this peculiarity had anything to do with the guy selling it.
I laid the detector on it's side with the green speaker wires disconnected to give me some working room. Away from any metal or electrical equipment, I Air and Ground balanced the detector, then switched to GEB Disc. The wife kindly moved a dime slowly towards the coil while I watched the meter, still off. I tweaked the depth pot clockwise to bring it to the edge of the scale as one would expect for a surface target. Put the thing back together, took it outside and checked it on the ground with the same dime.
All appears to be as it should be. If you try this be careful of the wires inside, also take care to align the pot and switch shafts with the holes when reassembling the unit. Sure beats shipping an out of warranty detector back to Sweet Home in my book. I bought this detector on eBay a couple weeks ago and have had depth reading trouble since. Everything else was fine, I wonder if this peculiarity had anything to do with the guy selling it.