Well, here's what I found:
Settings -
Tuner - preset
Power - hot rock reject
Sig Bal - maximum
Mode - TR Disc
GEB - locked
Disc - set to extreme left (gnd rej) then turned clockwise until threshold was quiet
Coil - Blue Max 1500
First, let me say this doesn't qualify as a 'test' as such. There is no control detector, or much in the way of scientific method applied to the operation. However, the results are interesting, none-the-less. Other factors are that I wasn't using headphones, I have electrical tape over my speaker holes, and I'm about deaf in one ear (and don't hear so good out of the other!).
The first issue I encountered was the fact that the end of the metal 'S' rod is only 13 inches away from the top of the coil, and the control box is only 3 feet away from the coil. My solution was to simply adjust the Disc knob clockwise until the threshold was silent. I imagine this cut down on the detection range a bit, but since it isn't practical to detect without a rod or control box, I figured that it wasn't worth fretting over.
With the detector mounted on a wooden table, I had a tape measure laid out on the floor. I approached the coil with the aluminum can end facing the coil starting at six feet. I was able to hear an increase in threshold right around 3 feet. I approached again in the same fashion with the can perpendicular (sideways) to the coil. I heard the threshold shift at about 3.5 feet.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if someone approaching this a bit more scientifically managed to record a threshold shift in excess of 4 feet.