The X-70 had one Pinpoint mode called "Pinpoint". The X-705 has two pinpoint modes called "Pinpoint Auto" and "Pinpoint Sizing". And you can program either one to activate when you hit the button. Not both. Just one at a time. In reality, the Pinpoint Auto on the 705 is the same as Pinpoint is on the X-70. Personally, I don't like the Pinpoint mode on my X-70. As I've posted many times, when I use my X-70, I switch to Prospect mode to get both a pinpointed location and the general size/shape of the target. The reason I don't particulary like the Pinpoint mode on the X-70, or the Pinpoint Auto mode of the 705 (remember they are the same feature with different names) is because that particular mode masks the target response by continually reducing the sensitivity of the detector. To better understand how this works, try this experiment........ set your detector to Pinpoint (or Pinpoint Auto on the 705) and sweep a coin under the coil at 6 inches. You should have a tone. Now, keep sweeping the coin back and forth, under the coil, as you move the coin closer to the target. 5-inches, now 4-inches, then 3-inches and finally 2-inches. Now, while still sweeping back and forth, move the coin back to the 4 or 5 or 6-inch position. Lost the tone, didn't you? THAT is why I do not like the Pinpoint mode on the X-70 or the Pinpoint Auto mode on the 705. If you happen to scrub the ground with one pass of the coil, and hold the coil a little bit higher on the next, the target signal could "disappear". Oh, it will come back after 5 or 6 seconds. Or you can switch to the hunt mode and then back to Pinpoint (or Pinpoint Auto on the 705). But, what a waste of time!!! With the Pinpoint Sizing mode on my 705, the sensitivity level remains constant while sweeping the coil over the target. In other words, just as the Prospect mode does for me on my X-70, the audio response does not go away! So why wouldn't I continue to use the Prospecting mode with my 705? I could. In fact, after having the 705 out for just one brief hunt, I found myself forgetting the "Pinpoint Sizing" feature was available and kept shifting into Prospecting mode. Old habits die hard!!! I'm going to make myself use the Pinpoint Sizing feature because it provides TID while pinpointing. The Prospecting mode does not. Plus, if I want a very "fine" pinpoint, I can manually "adjust" the sensitivity of the mode by activating it while the coil is near the target. (Don't activate it while directly over the target or you might mask it out completely). I won't say the Pinpoint Sizing feature is any more reliable than the Prospecting mode has been for me. It isn't. In fact, I like the higher tone of Prospecting better than Pinpoint Sizing tone. However, if I have to press one button to do either, why not press the one that gives me TID? JMHO HH Randy