Josh, I have owned both the GT and the X-Terra 70. Quite honestly, much of your decision might be based on what percentage of time you will be hunting the sites you mentioned. If you are going to spend most of your time in congested areas with modern trash, like schools and ballparks that are still being used, the separation characteristics of the GT would make it a better choice. Equip it with the 5-inch coil and I don't think anything will beat it for target separation. But, the trade off is that it is an extremely slow hunter. My sweep speed with the GT is less than half of what I find I can sweep my X-Terra. Not just due to the speed that I move the coil. But also due to the quick reset speed on the X-Terra when you pass the coil over a rejected target. When the Sovereign nulls, you have to wait until the processor resets or you will miss those targets you are sweeping over while it is resetting. To me, that seems like more than a second. That don't sound like a long time. But if you are sweeping a foot per second, you just missed 12 inches of potential targets. If you are use to the sweep speed of the Garrett 1000, going to a Sovereign will take some patience. Both the Sovereign GT and X-Terra 70 have audio and visual TID. Granted, the meter on the Sovereign is an accessory. But I wouldn't hunt coins without one. If you are going to be hunting a lot at old farmsteads, "forgotten" fairgrounds, yards and areas without a large congestion of modern trash, then today's X-70 might be a better choice. I say "today's" X-70 because we have yet to see a smaller than stock coil. When the small coil is released, we may find the X-70 has as good of separation characteristics as the GT. Today, although it is an excellent detector, it don't separate as well as the GT. And, in my opinion, that is due to not having the smaller coil. When the smaller coil is released, we will see. It sounds like you are going to buy one this summer. In that regard, I would wait to see how the X-70 small coil works for those of us who plan on buying one. Those results might best answser your question. HH Randy