I decided to take the family to the beach at Grand Haven State Park today. Between playing with the kids and eating I got in a few passes with my DFX. It was a lot of fun. But, when we got back to the truck we discovered my wife had locked the keys in it. Bummer. She called her mom and had her mom take her to our house to get the spare key. I decided to stay and search around the consession area while I waited for them. A mother and 14 or 15 year old daughter walked by and asked if I had found a class ring. I said no and asked if they had lost one today. The daughter was almost in tears as she said she had lost hers today. They asked if I would help look for it. I said of course. She knew about where she was on the beach so I began working a grid. We looked a long time with no luck. I worked through 2 pulltabs and a piece of foil that all sounded good. Just before it got too dark I got a good ring sound at 2 and a half inches, scooped and sure enough there was her white gold ring in the scoop. Wow, were they happy!! The mother offered me some money, which I refused and just told them that I was happy we found it. It felt so good to help them and they were obviously very happy to have the ring back. They thanked me time and again. I told them someone was looking out for them, cause if I hadn't gotten locked out, I would have been long gone. HH Dan