I am a Whites user (MXT) and never had an opportunity to swing a Bounty Hunter until recently. A friend got a Discovery 2200 (Radio Shack BH I believe?) for Christmas and ask me if I could show him how to use it. After reading the manual I thought I would take it out for a swing, HOLY COW! I have to admit, I thought Bounty Hunters were toys. After all, I paid more for some of my coils then this detector cost. I WAS TRULY SURPRISED. That little detector was a coin finding monster down to 5 inches! (struggled a little after that, might have been my mineralized soil)The weight was non- existent. Don't get me wrong, my MXT is fantastic down to 12" on coins, but I have no doubt this bounty hunter was just as good down to 5" at a fraction of the price. I do not know anything about Bounty Hunters but I am sold. I am looking for a second detector and would like to know if those that have experience could recommend a model that would nugget shoot as well as find coins. Thanks for your help. (I wish I had not been so closed minded before. You BH'res have a great detectors!)