Dog got away and had to run find him! (Found him!) The audio on those top end analogs is "first" where you get the ID....needle work second. (A pro with these has quick nob "double checking" down for further info.) They do not lack in deep object discrimination. All tech has pluses and minuses.....I now prefer digital, but that is because I have so much energy into learning it, appreciate using the newer "tools" in tough (and not so tough) situations, and there is more depth.....sometimes....
I do miss glancing at knobs to see where I'm at, the audio personality for each target and...... specific needle movement "sub movement", that clues you in on deep/good targets. I was never a "guru" with my 4900,5900,XL Pro but (in the big pic) did truly well. I'm using a V3i now.....but that does not mean someone using a 6000 XL Pro can't kick my butt....on any certain day.
In the end, I am having as much fun today, doing things I couldn't do before, and not quite stupid enough to dis a good analog. They still have the potential to "eat your lunch".