its a good idea to do what you said lay down all the coins you might, will encounter and get some numbers to work off, the makro I have is ok at id ing the whites is ok at id ing seriously the best machine I have used for id ing modern coins is a gold bug pro / F19.
I am talking spot on day in day out all day every day
it really is my bench mark detector and well none have made it there yet.
not bad for a gold detector with disc
anyway I know this isn't a fisher forum so I am sorry but yes do the cheat sheet as you call it, but there's no cheating in detecting
my mate is the same he says as where detecting to me whats this number
so I have to give him a list of what it could be and sometimes I even get it right.
for me if I paid for a screen I am going to use it to my full advantage and that takes some work as in your cheat sheet then in field testing and seeing the in ground range of detector A on that coin might be 70 to 75 for example and the bench test was 71 to 74 as the example.
so yes work before detecting.
I just got a new detector my kitchen floor has about 10 coins on it and I start the detector and wave it over them when I feel like it. strange but true and I just want to see the screen really at this point pay attention to sound to but mainly numbers.
so my point is it pays off doing a bit of work before heading out.
I would say go clad hunting for a few months with the relic , don't worry about gold disc up and grab some clad get the feel for the detector gain some confidence with the machine, the gold's not going anywhere, its not a race disc up have some fun get a feel for high conductors you will pick up silver as well and enjoy yourself, its not a race
its meant to be fun !!