I can officially say this has been the craziest/worst week ever! As it turns out we had someone at our company who was not being honest and created a fraudulent forum for work under my name, without my permission. Upon learning this information I confronted the individual (manager) and he informed me that he "did it a long time ago and didn't to it to make me mad" to which I'm thinking, "Do you create an account in someone else's name to make them happy?" Anyway, my fiance and I took it to the owners and needless to say within 3 weeks they could no longer "afford" to pay us so we were layed off. Now for the interesting part.....I had my AT Pro sent in for upgrades and it was already in route to my old office when I was layed off and it arrived yesterday.....I contacted another employee and we scheduled a time for me to pick it up....today at 10 am....well, the person that we had turned in for creating the fraud account with my name was the one who singed for my AT Pro yesterday....turns out when I get there to pick it up this morning it has GONE MISSING!!!! The two employees who were at the office did not have matching stories, the manager "claims" he left it by the door....but the other employee claims she had it in her office so she could deliver it to me this morning...the "manager" says that the janitor must have taken it...funny how I worked there for over a year and nothing ever came up missing. So the building reviewed the security tapes and the janitor was seen leaving the building with nothing....In over a years time there has never been anything stolen from that office and suddenly there are 3 items that turn up missing, some headphones, my AT Pro and an empty computer box for my fiance's computer...all three items were to be delivered to us today. So, I notified the police and they gave me a case number but there doesn't see to be much they can do. In a nutshell I now have no job and no AT Pro....man I was hoping to be in the water tomorrow morning looking for the bling!