New member
I got a call two days ago about a ring in Lake Huron about 2 miles from my house. I agreed to come out this morning to search for it. He said he lost it on the sand bar in about 3 foot of water. Got to his parents house, put on my wetsuit and went out to the sand bar. laid down in the water turned on my machine and swung it 3 times before I got a signal. It was his wedding band. LOL he was coming out in the water as I was walking back, He said he saw something on my finger and thought NO WAY. Well it was his ring and returned. They paid me 40.00 for my 30 seconds of work and my gas. I sure wish I could be that lucky all the time,
Yesterday I found a silver ring and a merc. Kevin will have to post his finds BUT he finally out hunted me!!! Congrats again Kevin.
Yesterday I found a silver ring and a merc. Kevin will have to post his finds BUT he finally out hunted me!!! Congrats again Kevin.