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Man, the tot lots aren't producing much lately! Of course, I also know I have some competition in my area.. I've been so busy with work the last few months that I hardly had time to breathe! Now that I have some vacation, I'm hitting 'it' really hard with my still somewhat limited time-10 tot lots in the last 2 days! Still, for all that I don't have more than $10 to show for it!! I don't keep much count PER tot lot, but counted up my change this am after getting in at midnight last night..pretty dismal for the returns I WAS getting last spring! Naturally the time of year makes a huge difference. That said, I know there's a tot lot out there that still has some undiscovered BLING lurking below the mulch! I kinda hate to even post about it because it seems like after I posted some good finds last spring I started noticing squeaky clean tot lots in my area....LOL!