A farmer gave me permission for a 1860's farm house, that is the good news...the bad news he told me 2 brothers hunted it for 2 days last month....bummer! After one hour at this place and virtually NO signals, I could tell these guys did a good job here. I was digging ANY conductive target, trying for anything they missed....after 2 hours still no keepers.
I figured maybe a deep indian or a nickel, because a lot of people don't dig those signals...every nickel signal was small scraps of old brass. I got a 4" deep penny signal 12-44 and I cut the plug thinking this might be a shallow wheat...NOPE it was a stupid copper pipe hanger, but I swung my coil over the hole again and this time I get a 7" deep 12-46...hmmmmm what do we have here? Turned out being a pretty toasted 1852 Upper Bank of Canada half penny token....I will consider that a keeper, hunted another hour without another single keeper. So 3 hours of frustration for one token....lol. At least I have never dug one before. If I had not been digging the shallow trash I would have went home empty handed......I guess it pays to dig everything
I figured maybe a deep indian or a nickel, because a lot of people don't dig those signals...every nickel signal was small scraps of old brass. I got a 4" deep penny signal 12-44 and I cut the plug thinking this might be a shallow wheat...NOPE it was a stupid copper pipe hanger, but I swung my coil over the hole again and this time I get a 7" deep 12-46...hmmmmm what do we have here? Turned out being a pretty toasted 1852 Upper Bank of Canada half penny token....I will consider that a keeper, hunted another hour without another single keeper. So 3 hours of frustration for one token....lol. At least I have never dug one before. If I had not been digging the shallow trash I would have went home empty handed......I guess it pays to dig everything